Les Miz Snapshots Page: 1 2
Tolon. Chain Gang.
You forgot the candlesticks...
I Have Bought your soul for God. [Jean Valjean] "What have I done?" Nothing but trouble...
at The Docks
Out on the streets...
I'll think I'll give this a try... Fantine's Death
I know a place where...
Master of the House
Our Precious
I'm Gavroche!
The Beggars
Can anyone help this man? You are a saint!
Erin Anderson........................... Gavroche
Molly Antalocy.......................... Joly/ old woman (at the docks)/ onlooker#4
Emilie Barnett............................ Claquesous/ convict #2/ constable #2
Karime Blanco........................... Feuilly/ prostitute #1
Johanna Cheney......................... Pimp/ sailor #3/ army officer
David Crane............................... Thenardier
Daniela Debergue....................... Madame Thenardier
Leah Fraimow-Wong................. Grantaire/ Fauchelevant
Megan Gaebler........................... Montparnasse/ Sentry #2/ working woman #3
Mazzy Glaeser............................ Bamatbois/ Brijon/ Foreman
Emily Hallam............................... Bishop/ Prouvaire/ working woman #4
Gabe Herman.............................. convict #1/ sailor#1/ sentry #1/ onlooker #1
Simone Kertesz............................Little Cossette
Joshua Krey................................ Enjolras
Mark Krey.................................. Jean Valjean
Diane Lancon.............................. prostitute #2/ woman worker/ convict #4/ factory girl #1
Ariel Mazel-Gee.......................... Cosette
Michael Montalbano.................... Maruis
Jessica Nicely.............................. Eponine
Megan Penberthy........................ Cosette
Mari Richards..............................Combefere/ worker #2
Katherine Rose........................... sailor #2/ constable #1
Mimi Simon................................. Babet/ factory girl #4/ convict #5
Amelia Starr................................ worker #3/ onlooker #4
Evan Troost................................. Javert
Merav Walklet............................. Little Cosette
Allison Ward................................ Fantine