SAMPLE BRT Route Alternatives in Downtown Berkeley - from the files of Bruce Wicinas 2/4/2010

The "no-build"' alternative is not expensive, not potentially devastating to downtown and easy to modify. Any "build" alternative is very expensive, potentially devastating to downtown and a once-in-a-generation undertaking. The city is obliged, on behalf of citizens, to do an exhaustive and responsible job of considering a wide variety of "build" alternatives. The Downtown Berkeley Association, myself and many others believe this has not occurred. Only the two crude "build" alternatives authored by AC in 2006 have been seriously considered. Attached is an illustration of other possibilities.

We heartily reject the moniker, "locally preferred alternative." Whose preference is "it"? Demonstrate that "it" is "locally preferred."

"LOOP" ALTERNATIVES  The DBA and others rejected AC transit's 2006 "loop" alternative. AC's loop located the outgoing stations on Oxford, a bad idea. However, in 2006 BRT was assumed to not run in dedicated lanes in downtown. So two-way BRT in downtown was not a major intrusion. A dedicated lane BRT forces the reconsideration of a loop. The outgoing station must of course be in the core of downtown, not on Oxford.


Alternative Route 1 of 11 - one station on Shattuck
Alternative Route 2 of 11 - one station on Shattuck

Alternative Route 3 of 11 By an interested citizen 2004
Alternative Route 4 of 11 By an interested citizen 2004
Alternative Route 5 of 11 Interested citizen 2004 ("No Drum" means eliminate the BART drum) "Times Square" Berkeley I

Alternative Route 6 of 11 By an interested citizen 2004 "Times Square" Berkeley II
Alternative Route 7 of 11 Other interested citizen
Alternative Route 8 of 11 - MTC funded study

Alternative Route 9 of 11 MTC funded study
Alternative Route 10 of 11 MTC funded study ("No Drum" means eliminate the BART drum)
Alternative Route 11 of 11 MTC funded study